Mission Statement

The promotion of the educational development and fulfilment of the educational needs of all our pupils in a secure environment.

The pursuit of the excellence in individual achievement while nurturing a growth in responsibility that will prepare pupils for their role in family and society.

The maintenance of an educational philosophy, based on our Christian principals which will guide and support our pupils through further education and the world of work.

The creation of an atmosphere within the school in which:

  • Authority is respected 
  • Study and achievemnet are promoted 
  • Spirituality is encouraged 
  • Environment is preserved

A supportive partnership is maintained with parents, employers and the wider community.

The development of a school spirit, in accordance with Christian ethos, in which there is mutual support and respect between all groups involved in the school.

The development of an understanding of different cultures and minorities and a respect for all irrespective of their gender, colour, creed or nationality.

The promotion of the highest standards of teaching and learning through professional development of staff and the development of all facilities necessary to deliver an up to date and comprehensive education to our students.

The maintenance of our independence to pursue our aims whilst developing links with other educational institutions in a SPIRIT OF CO-OPERATION.