Students are encouraged to have a positive and active involvement in the Patrician High School. As a group of young men their input into the decision-making process is valued. To reflect this philosophy the school has a Student Council that consists of students from all years from second year onwards, who are elected by their peers. Membership of the group allows students to develop decision making and leadership skills while contributing in a positive way to the overall life of the school. Through regular meetings the group aims to identify and discuss issues of concern to students and by liaising with management, suggest projects which may be undertaken by the group to address these issues.

Code of Behaviour
Our Code of Behaviour is based on the recognition of the student as an individual and yet creates an environment in which the welfare of all is protected.
The students of the Patrician High School are admitted to the school on the basis that they will adhere to the school’s Code of Behaviour. Parents/Guardians should read this document carefully and discuss its contents with their son.

Pastoral Care
The Patrician High School aims to cater for the needs of its students. Its pastoral approach seeks to respect and nurture the quality of all relationships. It promotes effective and caring leadership and partnership in the school community. It influences all aspects of life in the school, in order to sustain and enrich the educational experience of each student and consequently that of every person in relationship to the school.
Over the last number of years the school has developed, with the input of each component of the school community, a number of policies with regard to issues such as Bullying, and Drugs/Substance misuse. By familiarising themselves with these policies parents will have a better understanding of the way in which the school deals with such issues.

The school operates a class teacher and year head system. The class teacher is a teacher who, on behalf of the school community, undertakes the role of caring for a class group in order to promote learning at every level of the person. A year head teacher who takes on the role of overseeing the welfare of a year group, working in conjunction with the class tutors. This approach ensures that each pupil has at least one teacher who has their well-being at heart, personal as well as academic.

Parents Association
Our School is very fortunate to have a very active Parents’ Council. The council aims to facilitate full involvement with the school community as well as keeping parents informed of relevant developments in education. The council also organises a number of talks throughout the year. The topics covered by these talks aim to support parents with regard to their sons’ development, educational and otherwise.

Other activities that reflect the work engaged by the Council:

  • Assisting the Guidance Counsellor with the organisation of Mock interviews.
  •  The distribution of newsletters to keep parents informed of what is happening in the school and in the Parents’ Council itself.
  • Promoting a wider understanding of the importance of continuing education for parenthood itself through the organisation of lectures and discussion groups.
  • Organising social events for parenting.