The Patrician High School has been involved in the competition since 2001. Since then we have been fortunate to have entries accepted every year. Although we have been unable to gain the top prize the students have always done themselves proud and we have been able to claim two sectional winners awards, a highly recommended and a display award.
Denis Naughton, the owner of Glen Dimplex, set up a scholarship programme for third level in 2008(Shane McQuillan and Sean O’Brien). In that inaugural year the High School scooped the two bursaries for County Monaghan. Since then we have been lucky enough to have had two other students win the top prize in the county in 2009 (Donal Finegan) and 2011 (Kieran O’Reilly).
The scholarships have been of incredible benefit to the students involved and in the case of Shane McQuillan it, the Naughton foundation, allowed him to complete his masters in the USA.
This competition has been organised by INTEL for a number of years in the regional colleges throughout Ireland. Individual winners can then gain entry to the Young Scientist Competition the following year. With the exception of the initial year we have exhibited each time in DKIT. Like the young scientist we have not been lucky enough to gain the overall winners spot ,the students have done themselves proud and have won 2 sectional titles ,a renewable energy award and a communications award.